November 9, 2007

how small-minded can people be???

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid, intolerant, and small-minded some people are! How can any decent human being ever be so hurtful!

Just a few minutes ago, I was walking back from class to my res room and a homeless man came up to me and asked for some money so he could get a hot meal for the first time in a week. I gave him a couple of dollars, and then after I walked away I saw him ask a guy for the same thing. He just had this total look of disgust on his face, sneered at the man, and you'll never guess what he said... He said, "yes, I have money, but you're not getting a cent of it. If you really want some drug money, go get a job - although maybe you should have a shower first".

I can't believe that I actually heard that - I was so offended as a human being, and yelled at him for what he has said. he just shrugged his shoulders and told me I was such a stupid socialist! What a jerk!

I will never understand how someone could be so cruel to another human being, but then again, I will also never understand how someone could be conservative at all. Should we not care about one another in society? Should we not help those who are obviously less fortunate than we are?

I certainly think it's our responsibility.

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