We had a really good week last week highlighting the Reform-Conservatives abuse of handing out cheques for stimulus spending as if it was coming from their own pockets. But let's not spoil it.
The downside of that good week is that some of the leader's policy initiatives got overshadowed. I know that's bound to happen from time-to-time, but the house is back this week. Let's put some of our own policies in the window.
Today was looking like it was going to be one of those days, with the release of our Pink Book on women's issues. Instead,
we get this:
Three sombre -looking Liberal staffers stand behind Easter with 8 x 10 photos of Conservative MPs who have, according to Easter, denounced the whole cheque-signing "scandal".
Easter explains how this is must be stopped.
Wouldn't be a bad little stunt if only: in the room right next door the Liberal caucus is launching the Pink Book on women's issues.
Cameras and reporters gathered around Easter.
And although there were other reporters and cameras in the room for the launch, one media event can't outdo the other.
Suddenly, Ignatieff's director of communications, Jill Fairbrother arrives in the scrum and abruptly whisks Easter away.
She didn't look pleased.
And the "stunt" ended awkwardly.
A sign of duelling communications strategies?Hopefully our message about the Pink Book still gets out. I'd still like to see our Clean Energy policy from last week rehashed somehow since it was lost in all the cheque coverage.