April 9, 2008

Conservatives Sending the Wrong Message on Gun Ownership

Yesterday, the federal firearms commissioner made public his report in which he outlined that the Conservative government has refunded nearly $21 million to gun owners in Canada. Rather than forcing gun owners to comply with the gun registry, the Conservatives (led by public safety minister Stockwell Day) have encouraged them to flout the law.

The Conservatives has not only refunded gun owners for the fees they sent in during 2006, it has introduced an 'amnesty' so that unregistered gun owners do not need to comply with the law and register their deadly weapons. According to the report, 234,000 registrations have expired and their owners have not renewed.

Canadians need to be very, very concerned with these developments to our gun laws. Many of us like to think that the government will protect innocent Canadians from harm, but the truth is that they aren't protecting us. They're making it more difficult for police to know a full picture about the individuals they investigate and track. They're making it more dangerous for Canadians by allowing these guns to remain in houses and apartments across Canada where they can be used to harm people.

Guns are used not only by street criminals to inflict harm; it is not limited to drive-by shootings and gang violence. Some of these so-called 'ordinary, law-abiding Canadians' use their weapons in cases of domestic strife, disagreements with neighbours, or even against random innocent Canadians. Sadly, anyone with a gun in their possession has the option to use it on another human being, and some of them choose to do so.

We need to protect society from these deadly weapons, which should be a greater priority than allowing gun owners to keep their firearms outside of the law.

How can we expect to send a message to criminals that gun crime will not be tolerated when the government is enabling ordinaries Canadians to break the law as established by Parliament by not registering their firearms?


Johnathon said...

"Sadly, anyone with a gun in their possession has the option to use it on another human being, and some of them choose to do so."

Using your words, I feel that anyone who is threatened with a gun should be able to use deadly force to save their own lives.

Natural law allows someone to defend themselves from being killed, but for some reason in politcally correct Canada, your only right is to be killed.

Banning handguns will do nothing to stop people from being killed.

Actually, nothing will ever stop people from being killed.

The next best option is to allow people to protect themselves from gun toting thugs, or from home invaders.

I have question to ask you.

If someone invades your house, do you not feel that you, as a human being, have the right to use deadly force to protect yourself and your family?

Oldschool said...

Since when did LAW ABIDING CITIZENS OWNING GUNS become a problem???
Are they shooting up the streets of TO . . . not bloody likely. When the laime Socialists that are running TO figure out that criminals belong in Jail and terms for armed criminals should be doubled, only then will things get better.
The British confiscated all firearms in the 80's . . . the crime rate more than doubled in the following decade . . . FACT!!
In the US over 30 states have Conceal/Carry laws . . . crime rates dropping . . . FACT!!!
In Switzerland . . . where every law-abiding citizen owns a gun . . . crime rates tiny . . . FACT!!!
It was once said . . . an armed society is a polite society!!

"Violent crime is a solved problem - all they have to do is repeal the laws that keep those intelligent, capable, and responsible men and women from arming themselves, and violent crime evaporates like dry ice on a hot summer day."-- L. Neil Smith

Alexis de Tocqueville said it best in 1835... "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."